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Gone with the Storm's ABRACADABRA MAGIC

WT: 18.03.2024    VDH/SHC 2024 6108
VDH/SHC 2019 5370
Wyugas DENALI   
SE 54807/2010
Wyugas ARAK   
S 12146/2008
Vindsnabbe's BEBOP   
S 23448/96
Vindsnabbe's GIMLA   
S 12230/2002
Vindsnabbe's JUVEL   
S 17047/2006
Vindsnabbe's SIROCKO   
S 39925/95
Vindsnabbe's GNISTA   
S 12231/2002
M'CHANTAL du fur rendez-vous   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 70710/0
H'MELMAN du fur rendez-vous   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 60642/9 786
MANDRAKE av Vargevass   
NO 53799/09
B'NICOLE KIDMAN du fur rendez-vous   
LOF 5 Sib.H. 52167/10466
BIANCA SARNA du Pas de Cheville   
SHSB 675065
GLACIER of Jedeye   
SHSB 634408
SHSB 672116
AYUNA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 17096/20
VASCO from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH16066/16
SHADOW from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15478/13
LEO from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 09 14872
NENA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15006/10
RANA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15371/12
Icebell's LOGEAIS   
VDH/SHC 2010 3971
HELEN from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 06 14375
Cold Wind Valley's RUDY   
VDH/SHC 2015 4824
Timber Wolf Creek Sled Dogs C'FRED   
VDH/SHC 2004 2628
Shaktoolik's F'HURRICANE   
VDH/SHC 2001 1841
Shaktoolik's E'GINGER ALE   
VDH/SHC 2000 1652
Snow Action's F'ANNIE SUE   
VDH/SHC 2009 3725
Petruschka's STORM   
S 47966/2004
Snow Action's C'PAIGE   
VDH/SHC 2006 3129

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