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V-MAX from the fiery crusader's

WT: 15.08.2016    VDH/DCNH SH 16070/16
SHADOW from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15478/13
LEO from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 09 14872
Icebell's CARLOS   
VDH/SHC 2007 3272
Icebell's SHADOW   
VDH/SHC 2002 2232
Icebell's X-NELLIE   
VDH/SHC 2004 2680
HELEN from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 06 14375
Sky Runner DRAGO   
VDH/SHC 2002 2273
Icebell's OPAL   
VDH/SHC 2000 1699
NENA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15006/10
Icebell's URMEL   
VDH/SHC 2005 2830
Icebell's ODIN   
VDH/SHC 2000 1694
Icebell's TIFFANY   
VDH/SHC 2003 2387
GRACIA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 05 14294
Polar Speed PIETU   
SF 10858/00
Sky Runner DALLA   
VDH/SHC 2002 2274
RANA from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH15371/12
Icebell's LOGEAIS   
VDH/SHC 2010 3971
LOF 5 SIB.H. 047796
M'RALF of Wolvescreek   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 042289
XENA of Sepp-Alta   
AKC WP642550/05
Icebell's SUNSHINE   
VDH/SHC 2002 2236
Snöexpressens TIMON   
S 25183/98
N 11778/96
HELEN from the fiery crusader's   
VDH/DCNH SH 06 14375
Sky Runner DRAGO   
VDH/SHC 2002 2273
AIKAN of Arctic Power Pack    
VDH/DCNH SH 95 10861
SF 37413/97
Icebell's OPAL   
VDH/SHC 2000 1699
Icebell's GARRETH   
VDH/SHC 98 1162
N 11778/96

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