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H'GINO To riders of free spirit

WT: 20.05.2012    LOF 5 Sib.H. 050453
Fugitive's WASHO   
S 48887/2008
Fugitive's RIVEN   
S 11366/2007
Fugitive's ZEPPO   
S 58181/2005
Fugitive's VINEYARD   
S 32985/2001
Wolf Tribe's HONEYPIE   
S 56048/96
Wolf Tribe's PEANUT   
S 56047/96
Fun Run TROTT   
S 62986/91
Wolf Tribe's RONJA   
S 25012/94
Steam Streamer's SEGRA   
S 67680/2006
Steam Streamer's SKIGOO   
S 31977/2003
Steam Streamer's NASSE   
S 55060/2000
Team Amarox FLAMMA   
S 54579/96
Snoexpressens ZARABI   
S 25187/98
S 17320/91
Fun Run RIPA   
S 53778/93
LOF 5 Sib.H. 50453/10 213
LOF 5 SIB.H. 46631/7 813
M'RALF of Wolvescreek   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 042289
Husky Fant's M'RUM   
VDH/SHC 93 0166
GREENS of Wolvescreek   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 024445
OXYGENE Leva-Neve   
LOF 5 Sib.H. 044860
Polar Speed ESKO   
FIN 16083/95
MENDI de lodnaei sondsa   
LOF 5 SIb. H. 42 643/8 622
LOF 5 Sib.H. 47797/9 665
M'RALF of Wolvescreek   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 042289
Husky Fant's M'RUM   
VDH/SHC 93 0166
GREENS of Wolvescreek   
LOF 5 SIB.H. 024445
XENA of Sepp-Alta   
AKC WP642550/05
CAT of Sepp-Alta   
AKC WP234991
Sepp-Lok's DISHUAN   
AKC WP381689

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