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AJANA of Mount Blackburn

WT: 03.09.2010    VDH/SHC 2010 4044
A'DUKE vom Allerhof   
VDH/SHC 2008 3567
Ujandina's BO   
VDH/DCNH SH 98 12866
Somerset Island OPIUM   
LOSH 646 769
HERCULES of Sepp-Alta   
AKC WF567640
VDH/DCNH SH 87 4416
HILLERY of Hell's Gate   
VDH/SHC 95 0570
Alka-Shan's PERFECT-PATCH   
VDH/DCNH SH 86 3500
Arctic Spirit's GIZMO   
DKK 13724/90
Icebell's TIFFANY   
VDH/SHC 2003 2387
Icebell's NURMI   
VDH/SHC 2000 1691
Snöexpressens TIMON   
S 25183/98
Husky Fant's K'STARLIGHT   
VDH/SHC 93 0067
Icebell's EMMELY   
VDH/SHC 97 0986
HENK of Den-Eik   
VDH/DCNH SH 89 5835
Icebell's BLACK BOMBER   
VDH/DCNH SH 93 9335
Alka-Shan's WHITE NOSE   
VDH/SHC 2007 3412
Alka-Shan's HAT-TRICK   
VDH/SHC 2001 1931
Alka-Shan's ZOOMER   
VDH/SHC 98 1146
Somerset Island OPIUM   
LOSH 646 769
Kodiak's QLOUDY 2ND   
CKC XJ979456
Alka-Shan's DERBY   
VDH/SHC 99 1461
Shaktoolik's P'SGT. PEPPER   
VDH/SHC 94 0236
BUFFIE of Snow-Creek Valley    
VDH/DCNH SH 90 6427
Alka-Shan's IMAGE   
VDH/SHC 2001 2025
Alka-Shan's CALLICO   
VDH/DCNH SH 89 5897
HERCULES of Sepp-Alta   
AKC WF567640
Alka-Shan's POLAR PENNY   
VDH/DCNH SH 86 3502
Alka-Shan's TATRA   
VDH/SHC 95 0524
Somerset Island MERCURY   
LOSH 616334
Kodiak's QLOUDY 2ND   
CKC XJ979456

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