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HARRY of South-Mac-Millan

WT: 06.04.2010    VDH/SHC 2010 3877
Petruschka's BEAUWY   
S 62650/2004
Trinity Kennel's O-CIERONN   
VDH/SHC 96 0807
Trinity Kennel's BUGS   
VDH/DCNH SH 90 6362
Kodiak's CRUISER 2ND   
CKC UW689769
GENY of Indian Lakes   
VDH/DCNH SH 85 2933
Fortsalongs DIAMOND   
AKC WP355370
Fortsalongs JESSE   
AKC WG295204
Fortsalongs UGGIE   
AKC WG111623
Somerset Island BPRINCESS   
S 62458/2004
Trinity Kennel's O-BOOMER   
VDH/SHC 96 0806
Trinity Kennel's BUGS   
VDH/DCNH SH 90 6362
Fortsalongs DIAMOND   
AKC WP355370
Somerset Island VPEDDY   
LOSH 0807188
Fortsalongs SPIRIT OF DEVIN   
AKC WP699801
Fortsalongs DIAMOND   
AKC WP355370
B'ESRA of Amnesia   
VDH/SHC 2005 2972
Icebell's GRISU   
VDH/SHC 98 1165
HENK of Den-Eik   
VDH/DCNH SH 89 5835
Nome GILFY   
DKK 23535/86
Nome FUNNY   
VDH/DCNH SH 88 4769
Shaktoolik's P'ELEANOR RIGBY   
VDH/SHC 94 0237
Shaktoolik's J'SUGAR RAE   
VDH/SHC 92 0036
Husky Fant's K'MOONLIGHT   
VDH/SHC 93 0069
Snöexpressens NALA   
S 25188/98
S 17320/91
Zero's RUEHOE   
N 03231/82
Unisak's FLASH   
S 15312/86
Fun Run RIPA   
S 53778/93
Finnemarka's RUE-HOE II   
N 19711/89
Finnemarka's MOLLY   
N 02528/86

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